Presentation: Each 2ml multi dose vial contains 0.1 mg/vial.
Long chain human insulin-like growth factor (Long IGF-1 R3) is a kind of protein which has 83 amino acids. Long IGF-1 R3 has many functions, such increasing protein synthesis, increasing the RNA synthesis, promoting fat metabolism and glucose transport. Therefore in bodybuilders and athletes, the Long IGF-1 R3 can promote the muscle cell become large and transform the fat into energy. Perhaps the most interesting and potent effect IGF has on the human body is its ability to cause hyperplasia, which is an actual splitting of cell.
Hypertrophy is what occurs during weight training and steroid use, it is simply an increase in the size of muscle cells. After puberty you have a set number of muscle cells, and all you are able to do is increase the size of these muscle cells, you don't actually gain more. But with IGF use you are able to cause this hyperplasia which actually increases the number of muscle cells present in the tissue, and through weight training and proper nutrition you are able to mature these new cells, in other words make them grow and become stronger.
So in one way IGF can actually change your genetic capabilities in terms of muscle tissue and cell count. IGF proliferates and differentiates the number of types of cells present. At a genetic level it has the potential to alter an individual's capacity to build superior muscle density and size. For best results, inject 50 - 100mcg.s of Long IGF-1 R3 approximately one hour after your workout, ideally in the primary muscle trained in the preceding workout - half going into that muscle on one side of the body, the other half going into the mirror image of that muscle on the other side. You can also effectively inject Long IGF-1 R3 subcutaneously. At this point, adequate protein and carbohydrates need to be ingested because IGF-1 is only going to be effective when there is adequate protein in the body to build new tissue from.
Storage temperature thresholds - Store 35 - 46 degrees Fahrenheit (2 - 8 degrees C) which means you should store the product in your refrigerator and not in your freezer. Long IGF-1 R3 can be exposed to room temp for up to 3 months. Mix with Bacteriostatic Water.
You will say that this sounds just wonderful. What is the problem, however since there are still some who argue that STH offers nothing to athletes? There are, by all means, several athletes who have tried STH and who were sadly disappointed by its results. However, as with many things in life, there is a logical explanation or perhaps even more than one: 1. The athlete simply has not taken a sufficient amount of STH regularly and over a long enough period of time. STH is a very expensive compound and an effective dosage is unaffordable by most people. 2. When using STH the body also needs more thyroid hormones,insulin, corticosteroids, gonadotropins, estrogens and what a surprise androgens and anabolics. This is also the reason why STH, when taken alone, is considerably less effective and can only reach its optimum effect by the additive intake of steroids, thyorid hormones, and insulin, in particular. But we must point out in this case that STH has a predominantly anabolic effect.
There are three hormones which are needed at the same time in order to allow for maximum anabolic effect. These are STH, insulin, and an LT-3 thyroid hormone, such as, for example, Cytomel. Only then can the liver produce and release an optimal amount of somatomedin and insulin-like growth factors. This anabolic effect can be further enhanced by taking a substance with an anticatabolic effect. These substances are-everybody should probably know by now-anabolic/androgenic steroids or Clenbuterol. Then a synergetic effect takes place.'Are you still wondering why pro bodybuilders are so incredibly massive but, at the same time, totally ripped while you are not. Most athletes have tried STH during preparation for a competition in that phase when the diet is calorie-reduced.