paraboline-hex-100 paraboline-hex-100


Chemical Name: 100mg/ml x 10ml multi doses vial and 100ml/ml x 1ml single dose ampoule


Chemical Name: Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate
Dosage: 100mg/ml x 10ml multi doses vial and 100ml/ml x 1ml single dose ampoule
Parabolin - Hex 100 This is a well know trenbolone used to make by Negma in France (parabolan 75mg in 1.5ml). It contains long acting ester hexahydrobenylcarbonate, which extends the active of the drug for more than 2 weeks. This form is always been thought of as more suitable design for humus use, due to the less frequent injections. Trebolone hexahydrobenylcarbonate is a very potent androgen with strong anabolic activity. It is well suited for rapid buildup for strength and muscle mass. It provides acceptable results in a short period of time. The anabolic effect is often compare to d bol or testosterone. But Parabolin hex 100 will not convert to estrogen even at a high dosage. While using this drug, you will experience extremely potent mass or strength increase with no water retention. So the mass gain is hard and defined! It can also helps to bring about an incredibly hard, ripped physique and is an ideal product for competitive bodybuilder.

We do not worry about estrogen related side effects while using this drug but watch of your kidney and liver. Other side effects during the cycle are oily skin, aggressive behavior, and acne and hair loss.